Call us  SOS/FAN was published in 2013, after more than a decade of research. When SOS/FAN was first published, the author was told it would be at least 10 years before it 'took off'. If America is to survive global warming, Americans must understand America's energy options plus America's environmental obligations; then cast their votes accordingly. When it comes to America's energy needs, Voters must put aside their political ideologies. Democrats, Republicans and Independents must come together and make sure America is on the path for a strong, stable economy which will provide the resources to successfully combat global warming.

------------------------------------------------ IF AMERICA IS TO SUCCESSFULLY CONFRONT GLOBAL WARMING, AMERICANS MUST FOCUS ON THE FIVE E's: Energy, Economy, Employment, Education and the Environment.

The Reality of Global Climate Change and Fossil Fuels.

NOAA Carbon Tracker 2009-03-20

Gradients in CO2 concentration in this layer are due to CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the earth’s surface, including fossil fuel emissions, air-sea exchange, and the photosynthesis, respiration, and wildfire emissions of the terrestrial biosphere.

Americans must require elected leaders to confront the reality of global climate change as well as the fact that modern society cannot be sustained without fossil fuels. Historically, global climate change has been a natural occurrence which is now being accelerated by existing and extraordinarily high atmospheric carbon levels. The cause of today’s record high atmospheric carbon is a direct result of mushrooming human activity since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution starting around 1760. One of the major contributors to increased atmospheric carbon is the use of fossil fuels, primarily oil and coal. And that’s the good news! The bad news is the fact that human life, as it exists today, cannot continue without fossil fuels. Here is the worse news: Even if Americans could totally eliminate the use of fossil fuels, global climate change would continue unabated due to the record high level of atmospheric carbon existing today. That’s the cold hard facts and unless America’s elected leaders acknowledge the global reality of energy and the environment, human life as we know it will end; maybe not today or tomorrow but at some point in the future which may be closer than anyone realizes.

On a per person basis, Americans are far and away the largest consumers of fossil fuels. More than 20 percent of the World’s oil production is for America’s use. On the other side of the coin, America sets on the World’s largest fossil fuel reserves: Oil, coal, natural gas, shale oil, and oil shale reserves which can fuel Americans for hundreds of years. Before America increasingly exploits or disregards its fossil fuel reserves the following question must be answered: Can Americans do anything to mitigate the impending global climate change?

Many Americans may not know that the movement of carbon between Earth and Earth’s atmosphere is a normal and necessary occurrence. If scientific research is correct, and there is no logical reason to doubt the scientific community, when the level of atmospheric carbon becomes excessive, Earth enters a global warming phase. When the level of atmospheric carbon becomes too low, Earth begins a cooling phase. This has gone on since the beginning of time and will likely continue unless mankind develops the technology which can monitor and control atmospheric carbon levels. It’s time to think of atmospheric carbon levels as Earth’s thermostat and if mankind is to continue to prosper, Americans must gain control of Earth’s thermostat.

Note in the end of the previous paragraph, ‘if mankind is to continue to prosper, Americans must gain control of Earth’s thermostat.’ If America does not accept the responsibility of undoing the damage which has been done to Earth’s atmosphere, what other country will step forward? There is no chance for a global consensus as to what needs to be done to save mankind. Unfortunately without the intervention of America’s middle class, there is little chance of a consensus among America’s elected leaders as to how to combat global climate change. There are just too many competing interests: The Environmentalists want to abandon fossil fuels regardless of the economic and social consequences. The energy industry will not support anything which could damage profits. Luckily, America’s politicians will do whatever is necessary to retain their positions of power and authority. That’s where middle class Americans can make a difference.

Knowledge is power. Americans must understand the economic ramifications of energy and the environment. America cannot exist without fossil fuels. Mankind cannot continue if the global climate undergoes a dramatic change. Americans must undertake the formidable task of developing and implementing the technology to control global climate change. To do so will necessitate a strong American economy to fund the development of the essential climate control technology. The only way America can sustain the required economy is to maintain a secure, stable and affordable source of energy. In other words, unless America develops and utilizes its fossil fuel resources, global climate change will not only continue but likely accelerate. That’s the reality of global energy and the environment.

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