Call us  SOS/FAN was published in 2013, after more than a decade of research. When SOS/FAN was first published, the author was told it would be at least 10 years before it 'took off'. If America is to survive global warming, Americans must understand America's energy options plus America's environmental obligations; then cast their votes accordingly. When it comes to America's energy needs, Voters must put aside their political ideologies. Democrats, Republicans and Independents must come together and make sure America is on the path for a strong, stable economy which will provide the resources to successfully combat global warming.

------------------------------------------------ IF AMERICA IS TO SUCCESSFULLY CONFRONT GLOBAL WARMING, AMERICANS MUST FOCUS ON THE FIVE E's: Energy, Economy, Employment, Education and the Environment.


One Response so far.

  1. Edward says:

    Sorry for not promptly responding to your input. I’ve reached the point in my studies that I don’t think it is beneficial to contest or promote the cause for global climate change. Global climate change is a fact of nature which may or may not be accelerating due to human activity. At some point in the future, without human intervention, Earth’s climate will no longer be conducive for human life. Americans, rather than abandon fossil fuels, should take advantage of America’s abundant fossil fuel resources to energize an American economy which can afford to develop technology which will reduce current atmospheric carbon levels. My studies show that reducing current carbon emissions is not a wasted effort but will do little, if anything, to impede global climate change. Artificially removing carbon from Earth’s atmosphere will at a minimum be the ultimate energy recycling. As the climate change research advances the real ‘trigger’ for climate change could be identified. Hopefully it will be something mankind can control. Obviously, if climate change is a response to solar flare-ups and sun spots, mankind can only make the most of the time we have on Earth. Thanks for your input!

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