Call us  SOS/FAN was published in 2013, after more than a decade of research. When SOS/FAN was first published, the author was told it would be at least 10 years before it 'took off'. If America is to survive global warming, Americans must understand America's energy options plus America's environmental obligations; then cast their votes accordingly. When it comes to America's energy needs, Voters must put aside their political ideologies. Democrats, Republicans and Independents must come together and make sure America is on the path for a strong, stable economy which will provide the resources to successfully combat global warming.

------------------------------------------------ IF AMERICA IS TO SUCCESSFULLY CONFRONT GLOBAL WARMING, AMERICANS MUST FOCUS ON THE FIVE E's: Energy, Economy, Employment, Education and the Environment.

Global Warming Advocacy Destroying America’s Way of Life?

Obama News Article Cartoon

Based on the actions of some influential political leaders, regardless of the impact on the lives of middle class Americans, everything is being bet on ‘Green Technology’. By denying Americans access to America’s most abundant and productive fossil fuel resources, this group of politicians and activists are depriving America’s economy of the abundant, secure, stable and affordable energy essential for an economy which can support America’s middle class life style enjoyed by Americans for generations. What is the purported reasoning for not developing and consuming America’s fossil fuel resources? Climate change in the form of global warming.

If you have been following the BizzEB blogs, you are aware there is little doubt Earth is undergoing climate change as it has for millions of years but there is a significant probability humans have accelerated the process in our efforts to create better lives. Additionally, scientific evidence supports the premise that atmospheric carbon dioxide, (CO2), level is the Earth’s ‘thermostat’ for climate change. If scientists are correct, and humans should hope they are, there is currently more than enough CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere to make Earth extremely uncomfortable for human life. (The reason mankind should hope atmospheric CO2 is Earth’s thermostat is covered in another BizzEB blog.)

The exchange of carbon between Earth and the atmosphere is a normal and indispensable process. A problem occurs when the carbon exchange is out of balance. Currently, with humans being significant contributors, more carbon is being released into the atmosphere than can be recaptured by Earth. Mankind’s consumption of fossil fuels is a major emitter of carbon into the atmospheric. This fact is the foundation for the advocacy of not allowing the development of America’s fossil fuels located on public lands. Seems logical but the question not being asked, much less answered: What is being done about the current excessive level of atmospheric carbon?

Again, if you’ve followed the BizzEB blogs, you know that even if America could eliminate its use of fossil fuels it would have minimal impact on climate change since global atmospheric CO2 emissions will continue to exceed the carbon returned to Earth. The fact is current atmospheric CO2 levels are greater than any time in at least 800,000 years and there appears to be more than enough CO2 in the atmosphere today for global warming to continue unimpeded. If climate change is to be managed, it will require a different approach from the one currently being put forth by environmentalists and politicians.
What is being accomplished by Americans not taking advantage of America’s vast fossil fuel resources? The fact is the Earth is over populated whose needs result in carbon emissions into the atmosphere exceeding the carbon Nature can return to Earth. The question which no one seems to ask: Wouldn’t it be a better strategy for America to use its fossil fuel resources to fuel a strong, stable economy which would then allow Americans to invest time and resources developing technology required to monitor and control atmospheric CO2 levels in ways Nature cannot?

No doubt the monitoring and controlling of atmospheric CO2 levels is an intimidating task but if mankind is to continue to exist and prosper, is there any other option? If America is to actually overcome global climate change, the American voters will elect leaders willing do what is best for an expanding and strong American economy which in turn will allow Americans to undertake the responsibility of combating global climate change in a meaningful manner. Crippling America’s economy by forgoing America’s vast fossil fuel resources in an effort to reduce future CO2 emissions has not and will not work. It’s time to put aside politics and put Americans back to work. Then and only then can a meaningful solution for combating climate change be attained.


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