Call us  SOS/FAN was published in 2013, after more than a decade of research. When SOS/FAN was first published, the author was told it would be at least 10 years before it 'took off'. If America is to survive global warming, Americans must understand America's energy options plus America's environmental obligations; then cast their votes accordingly. When it comes to America's energy needs, Voters must put aside their political ideologies. Democrats, Republicans and Independents must come together and make sure America is on the path for a strong, stable economy which will provide the resources to successfully combat global warming.

------------------------------------------------ IF AMERICA IS TO SUCCESSFULLY CONFRONT GLOBAL WARMING, AMERICANS MUST FOCUS ON THE FIVE E's: Energy, Economy, Employment, Education and the Environment.

What does ‘Energy Security’ mean for Americans?

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What does ‘Energy Security’ mean to Americans? This is a question which many Americans have not really thought about but must be answered if a viable energy and environmental plan for America is to be developed.

America has the most developed and secure electricity network of any country in the world. America’s electricity is generated using multiple energy resources including coal, natural gas, hydro, wind and solar. Clearly, America’s electricity network is secure from the influence of foreign countries.

The heating of American homes is not quite as secure but for the vast majority of Americans, home heating is just a matter of setting a thermostat due to the use of electricity and natural gas. Many, mostly rural, American homes use propane for heating, cooking and water heaters and don’t forget the backyard grills! Propane is primarily produced as a byproduct of natural gas production and oil refining. Propane prices may fluctuate but America’s propane supplies should remain secure.

Home heating oil is the ‘fly in the ointment’ when it comes to heating the homes of Americans. Home heating oil is actually a type of diesel fuel, (or vice versa). Home heating oil prices are impacted by the international oil prices as well as seasonal demand. Americans should not be overly concerned about the availability of home heating oil but the cost of home heating oil is not immune to influence of foreign countries. (Interesting note: An extra cold winter will not only result in higher home heating oil costs but also cause diesel fuel prices to escalate!)

What’s left? Transportation. When it comes to ‘Energy Security’, Americans need to think ‘energy for transportation’. Where is the majority of energy required for transportation derived? Oil. Since America still imports a significant portion of its oil from foreign countries, oil is the focus of America’s energy security. Like it or not, the American way of life cannot continue without oil. Not only is oil the source of fuel for transportation but oil is also a key component of many, if not most, of the items required for modern society.

As long as America imports a significant portion of its oil, Americans do not have ‘Energy Security’. Americans must require their elected leaders to focus on energy rules and regulations which will make America ‘Oil Secure’ if American are to enjoy the benefits of ‘Energy Security’. Americans must keep their guard up. For example: Currently there is a push by the oil industry to remove America’s policy which essentially prevents the export of America’s crude oil. The oil industry will use the creation of oil related jobs for the overturning of the export restrictions. Don’t be misled: The export of America’s crude oil will result in the elimination of more American jobs and opportunities than the benefits from oil related jobs created.

But what about climate change? If scientists are correct in their findings that atmospheric carbon levels are the catalyst for climate change, (and Americans should believe they are), there is currently more than enough carbon in Earth’s atmosphere to induce a global climate change which will make life on Earth extremely uncomfortable for human life. Focusing on America reducing current and future carbon emissions will not alter this fact. If life as we know it is to continue, Americans will need to focus on reducing current atmospheric carbon levels. If the technology required to reduce atmospheric carbon levels is to be developed, it will be developed by Americans. If Americans are to undertake such a formidable task, America must first develop a strong and stable economy which cannot be accomplished without ‘Oil Security’. America must develop all its oil resources, both convention and unconventional, to create the economy and jobs required to fund the development of the technology required to monitor and maintain a global climate conducive for human life.

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