Call us  SOS/FAN was published in 2013, after more than a decade of research. When SOS/FAN was first published, the author was told it would be at least 10 years before it 'took off'. If America is to survive global warming, Americans must understand America's energy options plus America's environmental obligations; then cast their votes accordingly. When it comes to America's energy needs, Voters must put aside their political ideologies. Democrats, Republicans and Independents must come together and make sure America is on the path for a strong, stable economy which will provide the resources to successfully combat global warming.

------------------------------------------------ IF AMERICA IS TO SUCCESSFULLY CONFRONT GLOBAL WARMING, AMERICANS MUST FOCUS ON THE FIVE E's: Energy, Economy, Employment, Education and the Environment.

Tag Archives: Keystone

President Obama Vetos the Keystone Pipeline as Promised.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015, President Obama vetoed a bi-partisan bill authorizing the construction of the 1,179 mile Keystone XL, (KXL), pipeline designated to move crude oil from the Canadian Tar Sands, as well as oil from the rapidly developing Bakken oil fields of North Dakota, to American refineries located on America’s Gulf of Mexico coast. […]

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